THE MOTLEY CREW – A team-building game

Ann Andrews

author • futurist • influencer • speaker

PURPOSE OF THE GAME: To have people understand that they may not like everyone they work with, but if they can just understand that co-workers may have great strengths despite their weird personalities and respect that, then a team can achieve great things

WHAT YOU WILL NEED: The handouts of the game – one per person; a whiteboard or flip chart where you can record the answers (who they left behind and who they chose as leader)

DURATION: Allow 20 – 30 minutes depending on the size of the group – the bigger the group the longer they will take, however if you don’t have this long but still want to use the learnings from the game and use the debrief questions – ask them ONLY TO CHOOSE A GROUP LEADER – this allows you to ask the very same questions but in a fraction of the time.



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