I’m sure we’ve all been faced with losing something that we’ve become really comfortable with. It could be that our job is made redundant; or we face a health challenge that prevents us doing something we love doing or we are faced with a relationship or even financial calamity that leaves us terrified of our ‘what next’. Fear actually comes … Read More
10 reasons your people arrive at work with no visible signs of enthusiasm or passion…
I know from my own experience that most owners and managers are head down busy. I know they employ good people and trust them to get on with the job they were employed to do. HOWEVER, if we don’t take the time to talk to our people; to find out how they are going in the job (particularly people who … Read More
I Have One Nerve Left…
I have one nerve left, and you are getting on it. Following on from the theme of the article (I’m OK, you’re not so hot) which created lots of responses, I thought I would share my favourite fridge magnet with you. This ‘thought’ was on my fridge when when my two kids were teenagers. I have no idea how I acquired … Read More